A Message for the 2020-2021 School Year

       I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day!! Now that's out of the way, the following message goes out to teachers, administrators, school staff, school counselors, central office folks which includes superintendents, parents, and students who start the 2020-2021 school year tomorrow, Tuesday, September 8th. 

       I want to sincerely wish everyone, from the bottom of my heart, good luck as y'all embark into a brand new era of public education. This year's first day/school year hasn't been like what we've seen anytime in anyone's past. Because of that, it poses some new challenges we all have to hurdle over at some point. I really want to say that y'all got this. I'm beyond excited to see what creative things y'all are implanting for the upcoming year, in which all of us have to be flexible. Remember to always try your best no matter what the situation calls for. It will help all of us move forward over the new challenges/hurdles together. I sincerely hope everyone has an awesome year. Make it the best year y'all ever had. This goes without saying but we're all in this together. 

       Central Office folks, Administrators, Teachers, School Counselors, School Staff. Y'all worked your butt off for what is to come tomorrow, September 8th. I hope the hard work pays off and this school year will be awesome, even becoming the best year yet! Continue doing what y'all love to do in Education. 

        Students and Parents. My advice for y'all is to take it one day at a time and things will work out. I know that virtual learning will be difficult to maneuver and will cause frustration, but just know to always try your best (students) and be flexible (both parents and students). You guys got this. Make this be the best year yet! 

        The following now applies to everyone: Make sure to get a good night's rest and Enjoy whatever comes at you guys in the future. 

        By the way, Welcome Back!! Let's get this school year rolling! 

Photo credit of this Screenshot goes to the NBC12/WWBT and to Gray Television 


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