Before and After of a Richmond-Times Dispatch article

The article I believe that can be improved by deploying an unordered list is the article about awaiting the guidance from the state and the plans school divisions have they are going off of to help reopen. 

The original article can be found HERE

The edited article can be found HERE

While I was editing, I first checked on the headline. It was exactly at ten words and it explains what the article is about. I then went paragraph by paragraph to see if edits need to be made. The first thing that I noticed was the space between the period after the word "week". I took that space away. If the sentences seem to be a list format, I just change the format into an unordered list. I did this several times. The first was when Mr. Mattingly provided a glimpse of what the fall may look like. Some of it was when some of the counties gave what they were looking at. These counties include Hanover, Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield; and Fairfax. 

The examples look like the following: 

Before: "Some schools across the country and the world have already reopened, providing a glimpse into what the fall could look like if students return in Virginia. Teachers walking around with pool noodles to enforce social distancing. Temperature screenings for students and staff. Rotating days in the classroom." 

After: "Some schools across the country and the world have already reopened, providing a glimpse into what the fall could look like if students return in Virginia. 
  • Teachers walking around with pool noodles to enforce social distancing. 

  • Temperature screenings for students and staff. 

  • Rotating days in the classroom."

Before: "The county school system created a panel that’s looking at three different opening scenarios (on-time, delayed and staggered) along with three instructional scenarios (in-person, virtual and a mix of the two) and other factors, such as how to socially distance in classrooms and buses, among other things."

After: "The county school system created a panel that’s looking at different scenarios: 
  • three openings (on-time, delayed and staggered);

  • along with three instructional (in-person, virtual and a mix of the two);

  • and other factors, such as how to socially distance in classrooms and buses, among other things."

Before: "The five options include: students returning to campuses; students continuing remote learning; students coming back to campuses for weeks or months at a time with stints of remote learning; some students coming to school with others learning remotely on alternate days; and the same hybrid idea, just without alternating days."

After: "The five options include: 
  • students returning to campuses; 

  • students continuing remote learning; 

  • students coming back to campuses for weeks or months at a time with stints of remote learning; 

  • some students coming to school with others learning remotely on alternate days; 

  • and the same hybrid idea, just without alternating days."

Before:  "Daugherty said the district is looking at giving every student a system-issued laptop or tablet next year while also giving free wireless internet or hot spots to families who don’t already have access."

After: "Daugherty said the district is looking at: 
  • giving every student a system-issued laptop or; 

  • tablet next year while also giving free wireless internet or; 

  • hot spots to families who don’t already have access."



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